Back after a longer-than-originally-planned hiatus, Kelly gives an update on what she’s been up to since November and what some of her personal challenges for the new year have been!
Diving into the concept of “beginner’s mind” and how it can be the start something new, especially when we have no preconceived ideas or expectations. Whether it’s a new fitness routine, a new work routine, a sport or even picking up a musical instrument, allowing yourself the freedom of “beginner’s mind” is a perfect place to start.

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Comments 2
I loved this Podcast! As someone who always likes to try something new but never very good at it, this was very encouraging. I could really relate to the psychology behind getting out of your comfort zone that Kelly talks about. Next on my ‘new experience’ list is to try a Barre workout – ballet inspired moves with elements of Pilates and Yoga.
Can’t wait to hear about Barre workout. I haven’t tried that myself.