
It's time for Sugar Freedom

For women ready to feel great, dump the sugar belly, get their energy back and sleep like babies!

Reset your sugar and wine cravings with easy, quick methods that will put you in control and feeling great. (not worrying that you bit too much off, or you want to bite the hand of the person who keeps offering you treats and wine…)

full 30 day

You’re smart, successful and the no sugar ~ no wine promises you make to yourself just keep getting broken…it’s time for something easy and that works (guaranteed!)

Are you ready for:

Better sleep

Losing the belly

Less moodiness

Better health

More vitality & energy

Feeling great so you can do all the things you want to do

The right tools, support, and accountability

Slowing down the sugar overload in an easy way

If your jeans don’t fit, your sleep is fitful; you’re tired of negotiating with yourself, then you’re in the right place.

the Sugar Reset Program includes:

Gain access to our weekly training videos including new sugar removing tools and tactics to make your sugar shame a thing of the past. 

Track your progress and training.  What is measured is improved!

You know what you want to achieve.  Your coach and community are here to keep you on track and #WINNING!

Our community of health-minded women helps keep us healthy and happy in mind, body, and soul!

Once you have completed the Sugar Reset, you’ll learn the best methods to move into the maintenance period whenever you need to.

Any time you need a reset or refresh – we are here for you!  You’ll be notified every time we have a live session. 

“The Accountibillity made all the difference for me!”

– Jenny

“I was finally able to quit sugar for 30 days – I feel great!”

– Lisa

“Kelly said this would be easy and it was so easy!”

– Kayla

When you’re ready to stop the sugar-shame and recover your vitality, it’s time to join us. 


"I’m finishing a 30 day Reset with Kelly this week. I put on a pair of shorts today for the first time in over a month. I didn’t have to do the jiggle-wiggle dance to get them on!!! WIN. I look forward to seeing how I feel after another 30 days. Sleep, Energy and digestion are better too. That's probably why my shorts as less tight. :)"

The Sugar Reset includes a full 30 days of:

Weekly training videos, 1-2 new sugar removing tools weekly

Ebook journal for keeping track of your progress and trainings

A community of health minded women

Maintenance Phase – full support after the first 30 days

Lifetime access to all trainings. You can join any future live Sugar Resets 

Lifetime access includes

$ 97
  • Ebook + journal
  • Community
  • Accountability
  • Maintenance training
  • All future updates and live sessions
  • Bonus

    Motivation Multiplier Method ($100 value)

This isn’t a hardcore diet or a no-sugar-no-fun-food-forever crazy cult…it’s a way to get back to a point where sugar and wine are manageable, and not a nagging voice in the back of your head

Just a Small Sample of our Amazing Alumni

Hey there, I'm Kelly Howard.

Think of me as your personal guinea pig…

See, I love a little sugar in my coffee and a glass of wine at the end of the day. AND, I love feeling great, sleeping well, and not having to undo the top button of my jeans when I sit at my computer. {amen}

Several years ago, I started suspecting that sugar and wine were messing with how I was feeling and how well I excelled at exercise. I decided to go sugar-wine-cold-turkey for 30 days. 

How hard could it be? Quite frankly, it was a lot harder than I expected!

Yep, I just white-knuckled it with willpower (a limited resource if you haven’t noticed 🙂 I felt better, but I was stressed out. Shouldn’t I be feeling a lot more Zen instead of constantly wondering when will this be over!?!  

Two weeks later, I was drinking an early morning cup of coffee with my cat tucked in beside me. It hit me. I always say to my clients not to depend on willpower with all the tools at our fingertips we have that make things easier. And I hadn’t been following my advice and tools.

The next 30-day test was so much easier because I applied everything I knew about behavior change, habit shifting, consistency, and how to help our brains excel. After that, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days became my usual. Once the 2020 lockdowns started, stress eating and drinking became a constant. Now dealing with sugar and all the health effects is more important than ever. I want you to feel great and be 100% in control of any sugar and wine cravings you live with. When we take care of our health, we’re caring for our families and our fun!

Lifetime access includes

$ 97
  • Ebook + journal
  • Community
  • Accountability
  • Maintenance training
  • All future updates and live sessions
  • Bonus

    Motivation Multiplier Method ($100 value)

Your purchase is backed by our 100% Money-Back Guarantee

You have ZERO Risk because the Sugar Reset Program is backed 100%

If you don’t LOVE the Program… or if you don’t start to notice positive improvements in your life, fitness and day to day motivation…

Just let our awesome support team know and we will refund you 100% of your initial purchase, guaranteed!

Love letter

Thank you so much for being here. If you’re still reading, then we know each other. You’re someone who cares about your health and living life on your terms. Health is the one thing that can change everything in our lives for the better or for worse. Feeling great makes everything easier. You can do this, with or without me, I promise. It’s usually a whole lot more accessible with the tools, accountability, community, and care that comes with the Sugar Reset Program 🙂 Whatever you decide to do, please remember, we’re strong women, and we can do hard things. Whether you white-knuckle it on your own or you join the program, try going without sugar for a while, and you’ll see how much better everything can be.

Here’s to feeling great and having fun! 

Hugs ~