The 3 Sโ€™s of Making Fitness a Lifestyle

Iโ€™ve been noticing some changes in peopleโ€™s fitness routines since the start of this pandemic. Ironically, some people who were on top of their fitness game have found themselves falling off the wagon while others who werenโ€™t active at all pre-COVID-19, have found all kinds of newfound motivation! Isnโ€™t that crazy? Well, itโ€™s true for a lot of reasons. For …

Motivation Multiplier Method

Over the past few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, so many people have been contacting me sharing that they canโ€™t get moving. They are mentally and physically stuck, running high on stress and low on internal and external motivation. People who were once all in on their fitness goals are having trouble finding their groove and getting back out there, …

How to Get out of Your Own Way!

The subconscious mind is a hidden aspect of ourselves, and it can often keep us from achieving our goals. Whether youโ€™ve always wanted to start your own business or simply start running again, but you never really understand why it doesnโ€™t happen, there may be something subconscious that is keeping you down.  Recently, we were joined by the amazing Cari …

4 Phases of Training to Dominate your Goals

Is there a goal that youโ€™ve always wanted to achieve, but itโ€™s seemed too hard to accomplish? Or maybe youโ€™ve just never known where to begin? Well, setting your sights high is not only admirable, but totally achievable with the right training! As with everything, preparing to make your goals a reality will take time. Whether youโ€™re a brand new …