Do you avoid the gym? Maybe you’re worried that everyone will look at you, you’ll be the only one out of shape, or you’ll have to pay tons of money for a membership. Worry no more!
Recently, one of my friends shared that she didn’t feel comfortable going to the gym because she feared that fellow gym-goers would judge her. This is a common concern for most people. In fact, a lot of misconceptions about the gym and weight training hold many of us back from ever stepping foot inside of a gym. Consider these helpful tips for getting yourself out of the house and into the training room more often.
“Everybody is looking at me.”
I frequently attend an intense cardio class at a local gym because it pushes me to work harder than I would if I were working out alone. It’s easy to feel intimidated when I go into the class because most of the people are half my age and wear gym outfits that are much different than mine.
As I’ve attended this class week after week, I’ve noticed that people don’t look at me or point me out as if I am out of place. The majority of people in the class and in the gym are looking at themselves to perfect their exercises or check out their progress. When I remind myself of why I am there and that others are there for their own personal reasons, I don’t feel intimidated by the people around me.
“The commute is too long.”
There’s a railroad track on the way to the gym I work out at. I’ve had the hardest time motivating myself to go to the gym because I’ve been stuck for twenty minutes or more at the tracks waiting for a train to pass. The extra commute time disrupted my workout and workday. Instead of allowing the hold up to keep me from going to the gym altogether, I decided to bring my work with me. While I sit in my car waiting for the train to pass, I whip out my laptop and check off a few items on my to-do list. Whether you have to wait for a train or sit in 10 extra minutes of traffic, find a way to make the commute work for you.
“There aren’t any gyms nearby.”
Gyms are continually popping up all over town. Set aside five minutes to research which gyms are near your house or office. If you find that you really don’t have a gym nearby, consider setting up a gym inside of your home. Whether that be in an extra bedroom or the garage, purchase a few weights and a yoga mat to create a home gym. Look up workouts on YouTube, or hire an online coach to walk you through exercises that don’t involve a lot of equipment.
“Everybody is in shape except for me.”
When I first started lifting weights at the gym many, many years ago, I only ever noticed one other lady utilizing the weight room. As I workout in the gym today, I see a variety of people lifting weights. Men, women, fit, not-so-fit, old, young, new to the gym, and long-time gym-goers. You name it, they are there! Although everyone is in different stages of their fitness journey, they are all there to improve themselves, and that’s what matters the most.
“I can’t afford a gym membership.”
With new gyms popping up every day, there’s bound to be one in your price range. Set aside five minutes to research nearby gyms and how much their memberships cost. Some are willing to work with you and come up with a program that best fits your needs and budget. If you do your research and don’t find anything in your price range, consider making a home gym and completing workouts from YouTube or an online fitness coach. Don’t allow finances to get in the way of your health and fitness. I hope that these tips and thoughts about the gym have put your worries to rest. Rather than avoiding the gym, simply try it out. You might be surprised at how enjoyable, inviting, and motivating the gym environment is. For more tips for getting yourself out of the house and into the training room more often, tune in to Episode 31 of the Fit Is Freedom podcast.