Hiking Clubs for Women Change how you think and see what's possible Interview with Anna Huthmaker

Hiking Clubs for Women: Change How You Think and See What’s Possible! ~ Interview with Anna Huthmaker – Episode 138

Episode Summary

On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, Anna Huthmaker, founder of Trail Dames, and I- swap some fun hiking stories and discuss the importance of women feeling empowered to get outside and see their own strength! Among other things, we’ll address all of the wonderful magic that comes from hiking and trail groups like Trail Dames including…

  • The magic of outdoors
  • The magic of movement
  • The magic of camaraderie 
  • The magic of people facing the same direction
  • The magic of not letting fears keep you from trying new things
  • The magic of knowing your worth

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*Trail Safety for Women, Achieving More as a Later in Life Athletic and so much more!
*Hiking? This is your must have!


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Trail Dames Hiking Club Benefits

β€œA hiking club for women of a curvy nature” is dubbed the original slogan of Trail Dames, but it has become much bigger than just that. In 2007, Anna Huthmaker founded Trail Dames in an effort to see more women like herself out on the trails and make the hiking world more inclusive of women of all shapes and sizes. Today, it has 10 different chapters around the country and has become a safe space for women to learn the ropes of hiking and get to know some really incredible people.


Hiking in a community such as Trail Dames has a multitude of benefits. First and foremost, having any type of community when it comes to fitness adds a level of accountability, connection, and camaraderie that can’t be compared. Hiking alone can bring benefits as well, but there’s just something about getting together with a group of people with similar goals that can be both inspiring and encouraging.

They see you struggle and push you beyond your limits. They celebrate your triumphs. They create memories and experiences that are shared, and that’s incredibly powerful.Β 

Health, Mental and Emotional Benefits

In addition to bonding with a group, the actual hiking brings about so many benefits. While health benefits may be the first thing that comes to mind because of hiking’s physical nature, hiking also brings a great deal of mental and emotional benefits. Getting out in the great outdoors, exploring, and stretching your comfort zone simply brings out the best in you! 

Calculated Risks

Speaking of comfort zones, hiking in a group like Trail Dames also allows people to take calculated risks that they may not have otherwise faced. Whether it’s a tangible fear, like fear of a snake or bear. Or an intangible fear, like holding the group back. You’re able to face those things with others by your side, encouraging you along the way. 

Join In!

Anna Huthmaker may not have had all of these benefits in mind when she created Trail Dames back in 2007, but she’s definitely seen these benefits firsthand. The community has grown and expanded across the United States. Check them out at traildames.com

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