Seize your day with Kelly’s
Motivation Multiplier Method
In the midst of a worldwide pandemic with a lot of stress and uncertainty, there’s also a great deal of comfort eating going on right now. Because of this, I am thrilled to be joined this week by Tricia Nelson! She is an emotional eating expert who has joined us to talk about how we can “break up with Ben and Jerry” for good!
We hear her amazing story of weight loss, self discovery, and how she is using her journey along with many years of research on food addiction and emotional eating to help others.
Tricia and I will also be discussing…
- Why comfort foods comfort us
- How people differentiate between physical and emotional hunger
- The importance of the PEP test in identifying our use of food
This episode is a real treat! (Pun intended)
If you’re interested in learning more about Tricia and her program or you simply want to take her quiz to see if you’re a food addict or an emotional eater, be sure to check out her website!

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