Fitness Accountability: Is it Working or Hurting? – Episode 087

Seize your day with Kelly’s
Motivation Multiplier Method

On this episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast, weโ€™re talking all things accountability!

Did you know that there are actually both good and bad kinds of accountability? 

Most people only talk about accountability as a good thing that keeps you on track and reaching your goals, but not all types of accountability are created equal! 

Weโ€™re exploring the three main types of bad accountability including:

  • Using a friend
  • Using a partner
  • Using an App

Weโ€™ll also dive into the types of accountability that will get you to reach your goals like layered accountability!

There are simple and easy ways to keep yourself accountable, and weโ€™re discussing it all on the podcast today! 

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