Episode 078 – Small, Slow & Steady Wins the Day

Ready for 1:1 private coaching with Kelly? Click Here to Schedule a Complimentary Call Now! Lately, Iโ€™ve noticed some changes in peoplesโ€™ fitness routines since the start of this pandemic. Iโ€™ve seen many people who were on top of their fitness game at the beginning falling off the wagon, and Iโ€™ve seen others who never considered a fitness lifestyle making …

How To Re-Evaluate Your Goal and Take Small Simple Steps

I recently went on a kayaking vacation with a few of my friends. If you know me, you know that I love to kayak. Due to various injuries, I hadnโ€™t paddled a river in almost two years. I quickly noticed that my friends who were very consistent paddlers kayaked extremely well. Their endurance, strength, and pace were exceptional!  Since I …