
Uplevel Your Fitness: Interview with Allison Jackson – Episode 226

Episode Summary

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All About Allison Jackson

Allison Jackson is the founder of Allison Jackson Fitness and focuses on helping high performing women prioritize their health, nutrition, movement, and mindfulness. She is an author, the host of the Fit to Lean Podcast, a personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, yoga instructor, pro masters figure competitor, and certified in sound healing! Needless to say, she has a great deal of experience in a variety of health and wellness avenues!

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Health and Wellness While Struggling

Allison shares how her family went through an especially challenging few months in which her husband was hospitalized multiple times, she lost her job, and she lost a close friend. In life, itโ€™s inevitable that these moments arise where we feel we are at the bottom of the metaphorical barrel. Here are some of her takeaways from that challenging timeโ€ฆ

Find the Helpers and Blessings

Instead of focusing on the bad that is going on, spend time looking for the helpers and blessings that will inevitably arise. No matter the storm, there are going to be people in your life who will step up, offer help and encouragement, and try their best to support you. The more you are looking for instances of positivity, the more you will see it coming your way.

Find What You Need

For some, they cope through mindfulness and journaling. For others, they need to shut themselves in their car and cry or scream. No matter what, itโ€™s important to find a healthy outlet during your times of struggle. Find some other ways to release and get out of your head.

Listen to Your Body

Allisonโ€™s 3 Big Tips for Wellness

Five-Stars Fit is Freedom

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