How to Define and Achieve Your Long-Term Health Goal

Have you ever had so many things to complete that you didnโ€™t end up finishing any of them? This often happens when people are trying to achieve their health goals. They want to lose a few pounds, run a 10K, eat well for every meal, AND perfect their workout schedule. It becomes too much to handle, and they give up …

Four Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle as an Entrepreneur

Are you an entrepreneur? If so, you know how difficult it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle while building and growing a business. As I was starting and selling numerous businesses of my own, I found myself thinking, โ€œI either have to focus on my business OR on my health.โ€ I was stuck in an โ€œeither-orโ€ mindset until one day …

Episode – 051 Taking a Break

Big news, everybody: as Fit is Freedom reaches its 1 year anniversary, Kelly will be putting the show on hold for a little while. She feels itโ€™s time to take a step back, reevaluate her motivations, and figure out whatโ€™s next.  Think of this as a season finale rather than an ending. In any case, Kelly will be back at …

Four Tips to Revitalize Your Health – with Jim Fortin

How do you see yourself? Are you healthy, or do you want to be healthy? Jim Fortin, certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Master Hypnotist, believes that the key to creating actual, lifelong change is not barreling through with willpower, but instead, using mental development to reshape your habits, attitudes, and even your very identity.  If you are ready …

Episode – 050 Is It Too Late to Get In Shape?

One of Kellyโ€™s deepest fears is that someday sheโ€™ll be too old and physically unfit to participate in the activities sheโ€™d like to be a part of. The date this episode goes upโ€”August 5โ€”is actually Kellyโ€™s birthday! So you can understand why that particular anxiety might be on her mind. But donโ€™t fret: while youโ€™ll obviously need to prepare more …

Episode – 049 Layered Accountability Makes Everything Easier

Kelly was recently taken aback when a fitness-minded friend of hers said that he considered being part of an accountability group to be โ€œcheating.โ€ In truth, when you mix layered accountability into your routine, itโ€™s not only easier to get what you want out of it but it feels more purposeful as well. Layered accountability will keep you on track …

Episode – 048 Consistency: What It Is and How It Varies from Commitment

Kelly is on vacation, and while she is getting in your standard rest and relaxation (plus podcast recording), sheโ€™s also making a point of staying active through kayaking. Thatโ€™s because she knows consistency is key to staying on top of your fitness goals. Even when life gets in the way of our fitness, itโ€™s good to step back and examine …

Episode – 047 Community & Connections: Uncover a Hidden Gem

Kelly has traditionally gone solo with her fitness, training and working out on her own, but after recently speaking to a friend and going through her own cooperative fitness experience, she learned how much better working out could be if youโ€™re surrounded by a supportive community. Imagine having a whole team of voices urging you to press on when the …

Episode – 046 Are You Short on Time or On Commitment?

While Kellyโ€™s normally a cheerleader for herself and everybody listening, sheโ€™s starting on something of a low note this week. She wants you to consider a timeโ€”or even timesโ€”you set a goal for yourself but ultimately didnโ€™t follow through on it. Why didnโ€™t you? Did you take on too much at once? Or maybe you didnโ€™t truly want to follow …

Episode – 045 The Three Biggest Fitness Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Most of the women Kelly works with are successful, active, and very, VERY busy, so itโ€™s easy for them to become overwhelmed in short order. Itโ€™s not necessarily that a new diet or fitness routine is too much. It’s more that pressure we put on ourselves when we commit to something can push us towards overload. With this in mind, …