Overcoming Fear to Experience Freedom

Can I tell you a secret? I was afraid of the dark until I was well into my thirties… As soon as the sun went down, I would turn on all of the lights and close all of the closet doors. I always made sure that my dog slept next to my bed, and I woke her every time I …

Four Types of Motivation to Achieve Your Goals

Are you more likely to accomplish a task if you’ve scheduled in time to complete it, or you know that you’ll receive a reward when you finish it? We are all motivated in different ways! When it comes to pushing yourself to achieve your fitness goals, consider these four types of motivation. You may want to combine two of them …

Tips for Getting Out of the House and Into the Gym

Do you avoid the gym? Maybe you’re worried that everyone will look at you, you’ll be the only one out of shape, or you’ll have to pay tons of money for a membership. Worry no more!  Recently, one of my friends shared that she didn’t feel comfortable going to the gym because she feared that fellow gym-goers would judge her. …

Eight Simple Steps to Help Clarify Your Goal

As I pulled myself out of bed one morning, I fell straight to the floor. I couldn’t move. I felt immense pain. I was stuck.  Being the avid planner that I am, I decided right then and there, while sprawled out on my bedroom floor, that I needed to make a change in my life. I couldn’t bear to feel …

5 Numbers That Matter More Than What’s on the Bathroom Scale

Have you ever stepped on the bathroom scale and felt like giving up altogether on your health and fitness goals? You’re not alone! Seeing zero improvement or a higher number than when you started your journey can send most of us into a frenzy. Know that the number it rings up is not the sole means of determining your fitness. …

Five Tips to Getting Fit At Any Age

Are you interested in getting fit but are afraid it is β€œtoo late” to do so because of your age? One of my greatest fears is that someday I’ll be too old and physically unfit to participate in the activities I’d like to be a part of. I’ve found that the only way to conquer this fear is to get …

Make BIG Changes in Your Life With Layered Accountability

Have you been motivated about losing weight, you shared your goal with a friend, you both agreed that you’d do it together, and then neither one of you stuck with it for more than a week? Unfortunately, that happens all the time. Instead of sharing my goals with a friend, I rely heavily on layered accountability when it comes to …

How Connecting with Others Improved My Fitness Journey

In a world full of text messages and social media comments, it’s easy to become isolated while being in constant communication with others. Have you ever thought about calling a friend, but decided to text them instead to see if they were available to chat? I catch myself doing this often as if I would be imposing on their busy …

Three Tips for Avoiding Burnout While Pursuing Health Goals

Do you feel an overwhelming pressure to achieve certain health goals in your already busy life? Do you feel like you need to go all-in as quickly as possible to make a change? Slow down and take a breath.  Many of us are already going 100 miles an hour each day to raise a family, build a business, show up …

β€œTry” and Fail or β€œCommit” and Achieve

Any fellow coffee-lovers here? I discovered my love for coffee at the very young age of eight years old. After staying up for the majority of the night secretly reading my Dad’s fictional books, I couldn’t wake up for school in the morning. Once my mom had enough of trying to force me out of bed, she decided to wake …