Episode – 011 Exiting the Pity Party

Whether it’s from a bad day, an honest mistake you made, or events beyond your control, at some point down the line you’ll probably trip and fall into a deep pit of self-pity—“Woe is me,” I can’t believe I messed up like that,” “Can’t I do anything right?”, etc. Those moments leave us feeling weak and hopeless, but if you …

Episode – 010 Saying ‘No’ or ‘Hell Yes’

If your calendar doesn’t have a lot of white spaces, chances are you’re the kind of person who likes to keep busy and lend a hand when asked. But while saying “yes” to every request or opportunity may feel like the right thing to do, who does it benefit if you end up feeling too burnt out to help out …

Episode – 009 Achieving the Vision of Ourselves We Want

Anyone who regularly steps on the bathroom scale knows the power—and intimidation—of numbers when getting physically fit. But the black-and-white reality of numbers are beneficial to achieving the vision of ourselves we want. Just by tracking what you eat and how you exercise, you’ll find yourself on a more concrete path to becoming the You to want to be. In …

Episode – 008 Progress

Remember the old saying about “the best laid plans of mice and men”? It’s important to keep in mind because life often has a way of intruding on our carefully crafted work schedules and workout routines. While it’s easy to feel down ourselves in these situations for not accomplishing everything we hope to, it’s important to take a gradual approach …

Episode – 007 Commitment

We all want to change some aspect of our lives, be it eating habits, exercise routines or even how we socialize with others. But successfully making those changes means more than simply adding a new task to our agendas. To make truly lifelong changes, you will need to commit and figure out which habits need to be improved and which …

Episode – 006 Fun

In your journey to get your life fit and in order, don’t forget to make time for fun. After all, while hard work makes for a sustainable and healthy life, fun helps make it enjoyable and can get you through a rougher day. So for this episode, Kelly focuses on how you can get the necessary chores out of the …

Episode 005 – Motivation

As much as we may want to get fit and organized, life can throw obstacles in your way, be it pain, fatigue or just not being able to find the spark to get off. To keep ourselves on track and accountable when we really just aren’t feeling it on an off day, it helps to have a solid plan to …

Episode 004 – Oonagh Duncan

 After tackling her health head-on and embracing a fitter lifestyle in her 40’s, Oonagh Duncan now specializes in a total mind-body approach for getting into the shape you want. Her 28 Day Transformation Challenge is a comprehensive course in changing your food and fitness behaviors so that eating and living healthy comes to be second-nature. In this episode, Oonagh …

Episode 003 – Mindset

 Getting yourself refreshed and in shape is a near-constant reminder of how harsh we can be towards ourselves, judging our own appearance and drive. To get our minds and bodies fit, getting yourself in a healthy, positive headspace more effectively enables us to do the work we need to put in. In this episode, Kelly discusses the negative thoughts …

Episode 002 – Gear

Continuing from Episode 1 (De-cluttering), Kelly focuses on how to fill your life with the energy needed to accomplish the most important tasks, as well as how to build a foundation for the fitness goals you wish to achieve. With a firm foundation in place for your new habits, you can more easily find the time and drive to get …