Episode 092 – From Barely Walking, to Summiting: Interview with Jane Hogan

I’m joined on the podcast today by my good friend, Jane Hogan. Jane is a functional medicine certified health coach who uses her platform to help women heal naturally from joint point and find the happy, less stress filled life they were meant to lead.   Jane walks us through her personal journey that, at one point, was riddled with so …

Fitness Accountability: Is it Working or Hurting? – Episode 087

Seize your day with Kelly’s Motivation Multiplier Method On this episode of the Fit is Freedom podcast, we’re talking all things accountability! Did you know that there are actually both good and bad kinds of accountability?  Most people only talk about accountability as a good thing that keeps you on track and reaching your goals, but not all types of …

7 Ways to Jump on the Joy Train!

What a crazy year it has been! It seems like everyone has hit a rough patch at some point this year, and it can be really easy to throw yourself one big ole pity party. I actually found myself struggling recently and decided to share my struggles with my audience through one of my newsletters. Soon afterwards, I received an …