Walking on Sunshine - The Easy Path to Pain Free Feet Interview with Xero CEO Steven Sashen

Walking on Sunshine – The Easy Path to Pain Free Feet: Interview with Xero CEO Steven Sashen – Episode 131

It was quite some time ago that I realized there was something not quite right with my feet. Whenever I walked around my home barefoot, it was uncomfortable, and I knew something needed to change. On this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, weโ€™re going to be unpacking what exactly was wrong with not just my feet, but most …

Hand weight exercises. Silhouette of a woman walking with sun and clouds in the background.

Hand Weight Exercise You Don’t Have to Focus On – Episode 108

Weโ€™ve got another โ€œFit Tip Fridayโ€ this week on the podcast! In this episode, Iโ€™m sharing a tip that seems small, but can make a big difference!  For most people, getting in your cardio is the easy part.ย  Incorporating weights into your workout routine though, can be a real struggle.ย  One of the easiest ways to incorporate weight training into …