
How to Get SuperFIT for Summer! – Episode 233

Episode Summary This summer, we are getting super fit! Weโ€™re changing things up, trying new things, and kick starting our health and fitness!  If youโ€™ve been around for a while, you know that I am all about making slow changes over time. Iโ€™m all about starting small and starting slow, creating consistency, and building a strong foundation to a fitter …


The #1 Fitness Tip for Your Health – Episode 232

What is the Most Important Habit for Fitness? As the Fitness Summit interview wrapped up, the Host tossed out one more question my way; โ€œKelly, what do you think is the most important fitness habit someone can have?โ€  Iโ€™m sure she was expecting me to answer something like; fitness consistency, doing things you love, moving every day.  The stuff that …

Summer Stars - Get Fit by Being Mindful-ish of Your Food. Interview with Monica Reinagel

Summer Stars – Get Fit by Being Mindful-ish of Your Food. Interview with Monica Reinagel – Episode 195

Episode Summary Here on the Fit is Freedom Podcast, we talk a lot about fitness. We talk a lot about movement and adventure and reaching big goals. But thereโ€™s one important piece to health and fitness that I thought our guest Monica Reinagel could weigh in on. That important piece to the health puzzle is nutrition. As a trained nutritionist, …

Fitness - Avoiding Injuries and What to Do About Them

Fitness – Avoiding Injuries and What to Do About Them – Episode 190

Episode Summary In this episode of the Fit is Freedom Podcast, Iโ€™m going to be outlining the top things you can do to deal with aches, pains, and injuries. From prevention to mitigation to rectification, Iโ€™ve learned some things along the way that I hope can help you in your fitness journey.  In no way am I pretending to be …