Ready for 1:1 private coaching with Kelly? This week we have a very special guest. New York Times best selling author, Pam Grout. Pam Grout is the author of 20 books including E-Squared, E-Cubed, Thank & Grow Rich and her latest book, The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World). Plus, she’s …
3 Ways to Make FIT ~ FUN!
Ready to get in the best shape of your life, but shudder at the thought of spending 45 minutes or more in the gym every day? When you think about your fitness goals, do you ever feel overwhelmed? What if you could completely flip the conversation in your head and approach it completely differently? From personal experience, I call goals …
Episode 059 – Why Consistency is So Important for Your Fitness
Staying consistent when it comes to our fitness is one of the most important things we can do. But, consistency often is a by-product of our routines and if you’re like everyone else in the world right now, your routines might just be a bit topsy-turvy. This week we have brought back one of the #1 downloaded episodes and it’s …
Episode 058 – Staying Upbeat in an Upside Down World
As this episode goes live, most of the world is still in the throes of COVID19. I’ve noticed emotions getting a little frayed lately with some of the people I’ve been in contact with. I had a couple of meltdowns myself that weren’t pretty. But, they were productive. Productive because I realized I needed to manage my stress even more …
Sleep Is a Superpower
When you think of “superpowers,” do you think of sleep? Sleep is my superpower, and it can most definitely be yours as well. Although I do not have a bunch of letters behind my name, I can share what helps me fall asleep and stay asleep each night in hopes of positively affecting your quality of sleep. Consider implementing my …
Episode 057 – Why “doing it tomorrow” Won’t Work
I’m so busy, there’s just no time to ____XYZ____. The number 1 excuse, whoops I mean the reason I hear from potential clients for why they don’t prioritize their fitness and health is No Time. “I don’t have the time right now, but next week, or next month, or when I get this project done…that’s when I’m going to start …
Episode 056 – Will Your Future-Self Thank You?
If you’re catching this episode when we go live, the world is still in the throes of the COVID19 spread. With the rampant uncertainty about the virus and the duration of social distancing and isolation, it’s a time more than ever when we need to manage our thoughts and our mindset! One of the mental drains that I’m seeing show …
Episode 055 – When Life Gets Messy, Try These 4 Tips
The crazy thing is, this episode was recorded weeks before the Coronavirus became our new normal! But, one thing we can always count on is things will change. Messy. Easy. It’s just part of being human and interacting with others, ourselves and our world. Tip 1 about being intentional around your eating is even more important than ever as we …
Episode 054 – How “Happy” Changes Everything
I was chatting with a client who was, well let’s just say she was whining about not reaching her goals and I suggested she stop and “raise her vibration”. This was a phrase so outside of her typical vocabulary that she stopped bemoaning her situation and asked WTH I was talking about. 😀Which was the perfect question because when we …
Beginner’s Mind is the Perfect Place to Begin – Episode 053
Back after a longer-than-originally-planned hiatus, Kelly gives an update on what she’s been up to since November and what some of her personal challenges for the new year have been! Diving into the concept of “beginner’s mind” and how it can be the start something new, especially when we have no preconceived ideas or expectations. Whether it’s a new fitness …