Sleep Is a Superpower

When you think of โ€œsuperpowers,โ€ do you think of sleep? Sleep is my superpower, and it can most definitely be yours as well. Although I do not have a bunch of letters behind my name, I can share what helps me fall asleep and stay asleep each night in hopes of positively affecting your quality of sleep. Consider implementing my …

How Wiggling Your Butt Positively Affects Your Mood

Youโ€™ve probably heard about how โ€œtheyโ€ say that altering your physical state in some way can affect your mental state. But is this really true?  I felt like I was on top of the world when I finally kayaked a river that had intimidated me for quite some time. I did it! I completed it! I was so excited! On …

How To Dig Yourself Out of a Pit of Self-Pity

Have you recently said something like โ€œWoe is me,โ€ โ€œI canโ€™t believe I messed up like thatโ€ or โ€œI canโ€™t do anything rightโ€? You are not alone!  Whether itโ€™s from a bad day, an honest mistake you made, or events beyond your control, at some point down the line, youโ€™ll probably trip and fall into a bottomless pit of self-pity …

Four Simple Actions to Bring Your Vision to Life

What do you envision yourself looking like, feeling like, or doing in the next year? Now tap into that! How long have you been wanting this for yourself? Days, months, or even years? How would you feel if you transformed this dream into a reality? Pretty good, donโ€™t you think?  Alright, alright, enough with the questions! Now that youโ€™ve acknowledged …

How To Overcome Perfection Paralysis

Are you waiting for the stars to align and for everything to go as planned in your life to seriously start pursuing your fitness goal? Unfortunately, unexpected things pop up all the time and the planets align in a straight line about every 5,200 years… Itโ€™s time to get started today!  How To Overcome Perfection Paralysis  Are you waiting for …

Daily Quick Wins to Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever convinced yourself that youโ€™d take charge of your health and fitness once youโ€™ve accomplished โ€œblankโ€? For a while, my โ€œblankโ€ was starting a business. As a goal-oriented person, I continually put off my health and fitness journey while I poured my time and energy into building a business from scratch. I kept telling myself that I would …

How To Re-Evaluate Your Goal and Take Small Simple Steps

I recently went on a kayaking vacation with a few of my friends. If you know me, you know that I love to kayak. Due to various injuries, I hadnโ€™t paddled a river in almost two years. I quickly noticed that my friends who were very consistent paddlers kayaked extremely well. Their endurance, strength, and pace were exceptional!  Since I …