Work With me – original

Does Strong, Sexy & Slender Sound Amazing… …but elusive? Maybe you’re oh-so-ready to be FIT, but it feels like you’re starting over again and again. Or you dream of doing something adventurous like biking through the French wine country, kayaking in British Columbia, hiking the AT or surfing in Costa Rica. You’re in the right place and I can’t wait …

Overcoming Fear to Experience Freedom

Can I tell you a secret? I was afraid of the dark until I was well into my thirties… As soon as the sun went down, I would turn on all of the lights and close all of the closet doors. I always made sure that my dog slept next to my bed, and I woke her every time I …

Eight Simple Steps to Help Clarify Your Goal

As I pulled myself out of bed one morning, I fell straight to the floor. I couldn’t move. I felt immense pain. I was stuck.  Being the avid planner that I am, I decided right then and there, while sprawled out on my bedroom floor, that I needed to make a change in my life. I couldn’t bear to feel …

Consistency is Everything – Episode 044

Kelly’s hosting a Q&A episode for this week, and in fishing for questions she received a lot about consistency—working out consistently, eating well consistently, generally just sticking to a repeatable routine that keeps you active and healthy day in and day out, rather than something we only do sporadically. It’s one thing to throw yourself into a new workout or …

Episode – 028 Overcoming the Ravages of Overwork

Her foul-mouthed response to a near-collision on the road made Kelly realize how stressed and overworked she actually was. This got her thinking about which little warning signs in our lives can tell us that we’re working too much. If you suspect you’re burning the candle at both ends and really feeling it, check out the five indicators she’s listed …

Episode 005 – Motivation

As much as we may want to get fit and organized, life can throw obstacles in your way, be it pain, fatigue or just not being able to find the spark to get off. To keep ourselves on track and accountable when we really just aren’t feeling it on an off day, it helps to have a solid plan to …